The Original Mr Sex

  • William Francis
Mr Sex is an alias of mine. Inspired by other illustrators and a personal love for rap music in which the Emcees, like MF DOOM, would have alias' which they rap under. In addition to this I no longer wanted to be restricted by own perceived idea of what myself would and could do, and making an alias seemed like a logical way of doing this.
I was also interested in making this alter ego and exploring how far I could push this character who didn’t physically exist.
The unexpected affect this has had is that Mr Sex has become a brand, and also a character that other people interact with, often other people will suggest behaviours he might have and actions he might take. Soon after creating the alius people wanted Mr Sex to produce purchasable art. Therefore I made and sold christmas cards under the alius of Mr Sex.
Mr Sex exists, but only through the drawings he creates and social media presence he has.
Check out The Original Mr Sex's Instagram! -