The Penny Bloods ... coming to a podcast near you soon....

  • Julia LW

Something I have been working on with Arnold A.Schmidt (Déjà Vu (1985), Alice (1976) and The Silence (1982)): a podcast series with adaptations of tales from Victorian Penny Bloods and Annuals. This has been such fun to work on, and am excited for the next episode. This first episode is The Ghost's Bride and will be airing on Saturday February 11 at 7:00 p.m. on KCBP 95.5 FM and streaming live at Cast: J. Michael Baran, Jonathan Brandt, Toni Deaver, and Pam Palsat. We will be putting the podcasts episodes up together on their own platform once they've aired via radio. We had a lovely cast for this episode, and am already in contact with the cast for the next. Exciting times!