The Perfect Circle

  • Georgia Foote

The outcome for my first brief while studying MA Communication Design at Falmouth University. I briefed myself with the question: "How might I become a refined designer?" This was in response to my own deconstruction as a designer, as when previously studying the MA, I often felt my outcomes were unpolished and that I would become stuck at the beginning of my design process, in a vicious cycle during the idea generation stage, meaning my outcomes would often suffer. The Perfect Circle was a long process, in which I had to dedicate a lot of time to in order to get the desired outcome. The over 1000+ page publication is based on Malcolm Gladwell's rule that it takes "10,000 hours to become an expert at something". This famous quote is then put into practise through the form of myself attempting to draw something that can be made perfect, a circle, repeatedly on each page of the publication. The publication was also entirely hand bound, adding another layer of devotion to the project. The decision to leave the book spineless was to showcase this.