The poster Series

  • kaiya Johnson

During my time at my printing assistant/ art worker job last year, I would sometimes have a bit of free time when I wasn't heat pressing t-shirts or foiling cards etc. I don't like the feeling of doing nothing during working hours if I'm not on a break so I decided to keep up my design skills by creating posters. By the time I had finished working for them I had created thirteen posters which correlated to how I was feeling or things going on around me during the time the posters were created.

Made 2nd December 2019 the "DEPELETING..." posters were and still are my protest of having a government that does not care about the wellbeing of the citizens.

It is a letter, to both sides; the ones who are going to experience the effects of the lack of empaphy in the harshest way and to those who have felt those effects and want to shy away from a problem that seems like a massive hurdle or those who choose to be ignorant.

Change will only happen if we persevere and go after the way of life we want.
Going Nowhere 14/11/2019
I Know 19/11/2019

I won't go into much detail about these since everyone has their own stories in relation to these words. However, how you take it and then apply it is then very important for self-reflection and growth.

Setting Sun 21/11/2019
Mt. Fuji 04/12/2019
Sky 03/12/2019

The sky puts me at peace, I can't stare at it for long like some people do though, I find that's a bit boring for me, a long look is enough.
SCREAM 03/12/2019

I think it was that week I was particularly annoyed and stiffled due to various things going on, so I produced this as an outlet hoping to dissipate my bad mood by affirmation.
"Your reason for anger is valid", "It's important to acknowledge when you have been wronged", "I'll embrace it but will not take it out on anyone else that is not deserving of it, that's not your practice".

Yours 20/11/2019
Orange 16/12/2019

Originally I was just pracising how to alter images using the lasso tool, distortion and shading but there's no point in doing something halfway so I turned it into an orange juice advertisement. It then went on to be a more intergrated branding project having made a company logo, drinks packaging design as well as an advertisement that can be used for multiple medias.