The Quarter Club Salon # 5 [Power]

So, 2016. You really kept us on our toes, alright? Let’s face it, it was a year that left most of us feeling like we’re up shit creek without a paddle (or a boat for that matter), so we figured it was the right time to take back a bit of control and start 2017 a’fresh with a new QC theme that we think is more timely than ever
On the 9th of January 2017 we launched our Salon #5 around the theme of POWER.
We kicked off the New Year by taking a look at the positive aspects of that oh-so-loaded word. We wanted to explore the importance of collectivism and community as a force for empowerment and positive social change. In the harsh light of the Donald Trump ‘reality’ – which is a genuine blow for women’s rights worldwide – we feel like, now more than ever, positive examples of female sisterhood are vital.