The Runner | Centrepoint

“I want to be a runner,” says a young girl in this new work from director Ross Bolidai, as she ponders what happens to your dreams when you’re forced into homelessness as a child. The film, titled ‘The Runner’, is production studio Mrs Baxter’s latest for UK charity Centrepoint, which provides housing and support for young people across the country with the aim of ending youth homelessness by 2037. We composed an original score for this moving film to help establish an emotional grounding for the UK’s homelessness crisis — as well as to highlight the value and importance of the aid that Centrepoint provides. At the film’s opening, three rising piano chords establish a sense of youthful innocence, while the hushed pads beneath them ground the film with a more sombre mood. But as the gliding string sounds in this minimal composition begin to bloom towards the film’s end, a mood of optimism subtly returns as we see the protagonist begin to thrive.