The Samaritans Online Service

  • Izzie Cleary
The Samaritans website states that although they currently have a text service, they only advertise the number in a limited way because they do not have enough volunteers to respond to a large amount of users. Their website states; “we hope to be able to advertise nationwide in the near future”. They also aim to develop another form of online service, recognising that many people are hesitant to call a stranger and admit to suicidal thoughts over the phone.
For this project I aimed to advertise this text service in a way that would encourage young people to use it just as easily as they use their smartphones and social media. With a focus on using body language and hand behaviour as our voice when we are unsure of how to explain our feelings in words, these imagined posters and video adverts for the Samaritans highlight how easy it might be to miss signs that someone needs to talk.
