Side Hustle/ Writing

The Samurai

  • Luke Dimech

The Samurai is my first fantasy fiction novel. It is currently undergoing its final edit before being sent to publishers. It is the first in my Samurai Trilogy.

Chapter One: My Father, the Peaceful Warrior (Eleven years ago)
I gaze out of the window at my father, Ezekiel. The grey tones of his now drenched robes match the sky. Clouds hang menacingly over the fields of our farm, making it feel like it’s later than midday. My father seems un-phased by the weather. He stands as still as the mountains on the horizon. In the heaviness of the rain, all I see is his blurred silhouette, making it impossible to make out his features. I am sure, however, that his eyes are shut, meditating on the situation and the battle that is about to unfold. He has always talked to me about the importance of all the senses. Sight is not the only sense that can aid you in combat, and a good warrior is accustomed to playing tricks on the eye, tricks that would fail should you harness all of your senses. The sword, Senso, glints, even in today’s darkness. The sword which has been with our family for an age. My father has always told me that a warrior’s sword should be an extension of himself.