‘The Tale of Mr. Toad & Rosie Ribbit' is a narrative that I have developed over the course of my final year. The tale was initially inspired by my visit to Kew Garden’s Lily House last Summer. In this project, I have fully illustrated my narrative and produced a final children’s book publication. ‘The Tale of Mr. Toad & Rosie Ribbit’ is a whimsical narrative of two toads who romantically fall in love at The Lily Ponds annual Summer Picnic. My designs become an illustrative celebration of the natural world and creatures within. The concept that I am investigating is the meaning of value in association to aesthetic and emotional value. The two main characters in my book are toads, which are often overlooked as creatures due to their stereotypical unaesthetic appearance. Through character development and dress, you are able to add value to them through building relatable characters which share a common ground with the audience. As a result, the toads become valued creatures and an emotional connection is developed. My designs and developed narrative transform these creatures into something beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Through careful placement and ornate framework, the layout and design of the publication itself adds value to the narrative and characters. Adding elements of gold foiling and elaborate font choices echo that of an old traditional book publication. This immediately transforms it into something ornamental and precious.