#there is we in food

  • Mihaela Georgieva
  • fran xavier
This was a live brief project given us by Salad Creative which aim was to come up with an idea of a package design for a new flavours of olives on the go. "Silver & Green" is a family run business company which sells olives and antipasti from all around the Mediterranean. It was a collaboartive project with Fran Xavier for which we had to create a campaign of how we can sell the olives and the new package design.
The main focus we had for the brief was how to create a new design for the brand related with the already existing visual look of Silver & Green. Our first experiment was to make imprints with ink by using dried garlic, lemon and basil flakes and half chilli pepper. We thought the pure shapes on the actual ingredients will absolutely match the already established design of the olives.
Final Design of the labels
The idea for the pots came from the green point of view. We boht felt it would be wrong to use plastic materials for package, because of the idea of the brand. Therefor, we found these soup containers which we used for the final concept.
The Campaigns
As we are both coming from Mediterranean countries we though it will be useful to take the meaning of olives more broaden. The message we wanted to show was the social aspect of food and how eating should be an act of sharing moments with friends and families.

The campaign on different social platforms