Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival

  • Dominic Sylvia Lauren

Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival [TQAF] 2019 is a grassroots initiative that set out to alter deeply entrenched misconceptions and prejudices toward the queer and LGBT community through artistic and cultural practices. The festival was founded by Tomas Diafas, together with a dedicated team of volunteers, who endeavoured to provide queer artists with a platform to investigate sociocultural phenomena relating to queer identities and experiences. TQAF has been formed through collaborations in which our team has collectively curated the festival programme. The festival is driven by the belief that art has the power to open new avenues of communication as well as serve as a bridge between a diverse array of individuals and social groups. TQAF aims to foster dialogues and develop alternative methods for addressing social discrimination. TQAF offered a rich 16-day programme of activities in June 2019. A total of 70 artists, researchers, educators, performers, musicians, and activists came from all over the world to give us their insight into what is Queer, what is eros and how we operate within a society as being-in-love queers.