Think Twice Campaign

This brief, taken in our Master of Arts Graphic Design course, was born out of our own experiences with anxiety and depression, which naturally led to creating a campaign around suicide prevention around the Epsom & Ewell area.

Charity Brief
Team: Gurpreet Dhanjal and Karina Almeida
Deliverables: Campaign Brand Identity, Website, Hand Bracelet, Bracelet Machine, Bus Stop Maps, Way-finding Posters, Hazard Tape.

Our research covered issues with mental health, mainly suicide prevention and problem solving issues in an informative but unconventional way. It also led us to contact charities and thus create something that was relevant to our target market and demographic.

The deliverables were to be placed strategically for the customer journey, starting with the posters from the train station with the hazard tape and bracelet machine, the posters would lead to the map and then to pl of choice for help.

Our customer journey also included raising awareness through the hand bracelets and creating QR Codes that could be easily scanned and brought straight to the website displayed at in a video at the end.
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