Thinkspot emergence counters the regulation that Peterson seems to think overshadows other platforms. Thinkspot will allow its own members to coordinate and regulate itself, with comments/posts being voted up or down depending on popularity. If the comment fails to gain more than a 50% upvote, then the comment vanishes from sight. The idea stems from Quora, where the highest voted comment gets moved to the top of the thread, and therefore is deemed the most valuable by all the members.
Peterson himself says, in ‘12 Rules for Life’, that Quora was a ‘curios’ platform due to this voting system, and says that he often ‘turned to Quora, looking for questions to engage with’. It was within this search that he soon found an online audience, gaining ‘a hundred and twenty thousand’ views, and ‘twenty-three thousand’ upvotes on a post that asked ‘What are the most valuable things everyone should know’. His popularity from here on eventually fed his ideas enough ideas that he wrote ‘12 Rules for Life’. This voting system will be a key part of Thinkspot makeup.
So will Thinkspot strive, or will it become a base for extremist views and online ‘trolls’. Well if Quora, or even Reddit, are anything to go by, then it is clear that this voting system is a great strategy to create an online network where the members referee themselves. The ‘anti-censorship’ stance suggests that more obscure, explicitly or drastic conversations will occur, yet this does not necessarily suggest that the views will be more extreme.
Thinkspot therefore will be an interesting experiment into the social media game, to see whose voices have been left unheard. Peterson’s own stance again political correctness fuels this new platform, and is not the first time he has championed complete freedom of speech. After the passing of Bill C-16, Peterson’s fame grew tenfold in Canada and internationally as he rallied for complete freedom of speech without censorship from minority groups. Thinkspot feeds off that same idea, and opens up the uncensored online world to anyone willing to pay the membership.