"This won't be a book" - eBook

  • Matteo Manzini

Below it's the cover of one the projects started during the first days of the past lockdown and ended up appearing last week as eBook on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and more online shops. It's a mix of words and illustrations, and I can never be thankful enough to Alessandro Bonaccorsi for accepting to take care of its visual parts . Head here => https://linktr.ee/matteomanzini if you want to have a look at it! Personal skills applied for reaching the publishing stage were: - writing the actual story; - coming up with a mental image of what could go well with my words and finding the right person for making it real; - learning in depth about the eBooks self-publishing sector, a world totally new to me; - putting together and directing a small network of professionals, all interacting from remote (myself, Alessandro for the drawings, one more person for creating the cover, the publisher/distributor itself, a support team for the online promotion). Hope you can like it and don't hesitate to get in touch for working together on something similar in terms of team size, thanks!