Tinder Match More

  • Nancy Barakiti
As a whole market, online dating is faced with saturated applications and websites catering to the same need. A lack of quality conversations and meaningful encounters is creating a notorious reputation for those not using the App. There is the need in the market for users to match themselves with much more than just airbrushed images.
Answering to the gap and bridging the need for meaningful encounters, Tinder- Match more is an additional unique concept that allows the users to not just match with people but with experiences.
Now, with Tinder you can experience much more!
Tinder is "match" more than a dating app. Find a nice company for your favorite event never was so easy. Your friends are busy or they don't like your delicate taste in music? Tinder can make it happen. Don't miss an event in your city. Go to your favorite places, your favorite concert, that beer festival, and the book show with people who share the same passion as you. Tinder can help you have quality time with your matches with this intimate and ice-breaker first date.
You can also use this feature with the groups. Take your friends and go have fun!
Now it's time to explore!

The new feature

The marketing communication campaign

Come, Let's Match more!