Tips for Establishing Authority as Female Entrepreneurs

  • Doaa Dashoush

Doaa Dashoush shares some tips for establishing authority as a female entrepreneur

Despite the progress that women have made in the world, they still have to fight to be trusted in the business sphere. This is why it is important that they use the tools that they have available to them to build their credibility. As they build their credibility, women must also regularly network and win over their various stakeholder groups. According to studies, women tend to focus on their job instead of networking, which puts them at a disadvantage when they need support and resources. To build authority and improve their chances of becoming successful, female entrepreneurs should network more.

One of the most important factors that women can consider when it comes to building their credibility is storytelling. This is because it can help them connect with their potential customers and build strong connections. Here are some tips to keep in mind when networking with other professionals to present a confident, authoritative story of who you are and why your business is important.

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