TOGETHER / ALONE - a short film

  • Joseph Remfry
  • Eva Anjos

A short film I have been working on over the past few weeks with illustrations from Eva Anjos - During this time we will all see a lot of fear and hate spreading, it is important to remember what holds meaning. Show kindness, focus on wellness and appreciate life. Many people will be affected by this pandemic but the majority will hopefully be safe and recover. As always in society minorities and vulnerable people will be most affected by this. People that have no control over what happens to them, although some may not be directly affected it will still change all of our lives to some scale going forward. Do what you can in this time, whether that be supporting charities or even just checking in on people who may be vulnerable. I have put some charities below that will require more support during the coronavirus pandemic, if you can donate a small amount then please do but it is understood this is not possible for everyone in the current financial climate. Mind (Mental health charity) Mind - Mental health services will be strained throughout this period, as we all adjust to the impacts of self-isolating and social distancing. - Refuge (Domestic violence charity) Refuge - The UK’s largest domestic abuse charity, Refuge, has reported a 700% increase in calls to its helpline in a single day. They support both all genders in support against domestic abuse. - Mermaids (LGBT+ charity) - Mermaids support LGBTQ+ youth who may not be in a safe environment and all resources are strained currently so anything anyone can do to help will enable Mermaids to continue the amazing work they do for the LGBTQ+ community. - Crisis (Homeless charity) Crisis - The government has promised to house all homeless people in the UK during this pandemic, the resources to do this have put a strain on services that support people in difficult living circumstances and living on the streets. Some people aren’t as fortunate to even have shelter to protect themselves during this pandemic, so whatever support you can give is appreciated. - Multiple Sclerosis Trust (Auto-immune disease charity) - People affected by auto-immune diseases have been told to self isolate for the foreseeable future. This is something that personally affects myself, my family and friends, look out for those most vulnerable to this virus. - Words by Kate Tempest.