Toolkit for Resilience: Rich Mix

  • Ellie Stanton

Illustrations for Rich Mix's Toolkit for Resilience , a series of free, online sessions to aid mental resilience and wellbeing.

Overcoming Anxiety Session

I have personified anxiety as a monster controlling the characters movements. This is stemming from something mentioned in the workshop that anxiety belongs to you and not you to it.
These images shows tips to help take back the power – putting aside 20 minutes to write down your hypothetical worries and then throwing them in the bin, and putting coping statements all around your environment so you can’t miss them.”
The Dragon Way Session

This set of images was inspired by the concept of ‘getting your greens’ in nature and the three Cs, Curiosity, Creativity and Courage.

The Power of Sound Session

I visualised this session with an illustration of some of the instruments that are used in sound healing. The last half an hour of the session was a lovely sound bath, I have made a gif showing someone having a relaxing bubble bath in a singing bowl to depict this.
Building Resililience Through Community Sessions