Top 11 most iconic and famous paintings

  • Tania Teixeira

Every great piece of art goes through a creative process, but that process is hidden and often forgotten. In this article, we will show you famous sketches made by the greatest artists. Sketches are the most under looked and underrated artworks in history. (Yes, artworks!) We often only have the chance to look at the finalised artwork in the museums' walls which leads the viewer to think that artists are geniuses. Indeed, artists are geniuses! But to be a genius also requires a lot of work and effort. And that is where sketches are included in the story. Every great piece of art goes through a creative process, but that process is hidden and often forgotten. Sketches is the how a great artwork becomes iconic: with lots of experimentation and practice. From drafts, doodles, sketches, texts, instructions- anything you can imagine is what leads to the finalised artwork. The creative process can be very time consuming, and its primary goal is to develop ideas and test out colours, shapes, sizes, composition. Probably that ruins the fantasy for many that the artist is a genius capable of achieving perfection in a single attempt. But every art piece is backed up with a lifetime of practice, experiments and fails. Many times, the creative process is indeed more rewarding and intimate to watch than the perfected artwork. But where do artists keep track of all this process? The famous term "sketchbook" is the answer.

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