'Traces’ - Austeja Gokaite, 2019

  • Austeja Gokaite

I am excited to announce that this artwork shortly will be exhibited in --- Picknik Of Art 19 OCT 2019 STOUR SPACE

to begin - the word ''TRACES'' and that is my journey of expression in the visual concept behind it:
Exploring visual expression through human traces left by any interaction we have experienced: this is my creative journey, experimentation and experiences were ignited by my body prints;
it builds and captures expressions, it also develops to culminate in a final 3D artwork. The process was equally as important as the outcome. 
Our personalities are majorly impacted by our friends and family but it can also be greatly impacted by anyone and everyone we had ever met in our lives. To reflect this concept, I have chosen to capture the two girls and their tattoos as a symbol of traces on our skin.
This collage illustrates final peace - a compilation of images to illustrate my creative journey, including body prints, photographic capture of body expression and contact, and laser-etched acrylic panel. 
The biggest piece is made of acrylic panel 110 x 60cm (thickness 5mm), I laser etched my body prints and rubbed acrylic paint into the etching marks. This piece must be hung from the ceiling in front of 3 x A3 format pictures of the girls with tattoos.
Picknik Of Art 19 OCT 2019


We are back again! This time with more exciting talented locals & international artists. Picknik of Art - an event bringing musical, visual and physical art together in one space. In addition to the music produced by our talented artists, Picknik has always aspired to celebrate and be involved with art across its many forms. Picknik of Art will give artists the opportunity to exhibit in some amazing galleries across London. Keeping it local is central to Picknik’s vision: twinning emerging street artists with spaces in their own neighbourhoods, showcasing new work in each of the venues that we will inhabit.
The line-up for the music (as with the work exhibited) has been produced with love and care, working to ensure that you will get the most out of your experience!
+ Ba art geguchadze {Abstract Exhibition} + Arthur Rambo Art {Live Mural} + Luke Gray Art {Exhibition} + Creative Moss {Exhibition} + Conxi Sane {Abstract Exhibition} + Rose Hill Designs {Live Mural}
+ Matildaism + Gokaite Austeja + Stuart Glenday
+ Mona Sharif / Catarina TM
Photography Exhibition
+ LarryJ + Normski Photography
Music {Electronic live sets}
+ Maybe Laura {Ambient set} + Frazer Campbelll {Live} + Thoma Bulwer (Live} + Nahste Oner {Live}
Food + TBA
Opening Day: Installations / Art Exhibitions / Live Murals / Live electronic music performances / Food / Market Exhibition till 30.10.19
Photographies and vynil cut out of the print shapes were exhibited in a Final Foundation year exhibition, Middlesex University.