
  • Gina Mirella Arnold
  • Jesse Walenkamp
  • Yvette de Valk

Triptiek in an annual event organised by the second year students of the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. A select group of students, including me, were given the task to plan the event. The proces of creating a concept and executing it, was in our hands. During this event 10 promising and sustainable brands showcased their collection in a fashion show and 3D installation. The theme of Triptiek 2017 was 'Masters of Tomorrow', inspired by the craftsmanship of Renaissance master painters, combined with the technology of tomorrow. And because we believe sustainability is an ever growing issue in the fashion industry, we decided to aim for a zero waste event. Although it was challenging, it brought awareness about sustainability. The event was a big success with nearly 1500 visitors, including numerous influencers in the fashion industry.