TWIN MANNEQUIN - ATTAGIRL (Official Music Video)

  • Adam Houston Smyth
  • Claud Minchin

An experimental music video focusing on themes of escapism and identity through German Expressionist inspired visual themes and stylised, technicoloured lighting. The video depicts Electronic Rock artist TWIN MANNEQUIN as she performs her song ATTAGIRL, with lyrical themes surrounding gender identity. Encountering a dark and brooding alter-ego that is a physical manifestation of her inner-saboteur, their relationship is explored in a “perverted merzbau” where exaggerated physical theatre and colour symbolism take place.

A word from the artist…

“ATTAGIRL is a deep and personal look into my transgender identity, exploring the origins of my transness, and the rejection of my sexuality and identity throughout my developing years, and how far I’ve come now in realising myself, “un-ravelling the thread” so-to-speak. Through this song I ask myself whether these changes I’ve made to my life and body have brought me happiness, or if they’ve dug me a hole I’ll never escape from - is this truly what I want or a perverted manifestation of my traumas and experiences?”