University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), BA (Hons) Illustration

  • Sally Whitton
  • Daniel Nelson
  • Callum Baxter
  • Lea Courtney
  • Niamh Young
  • Kieron Fitzpatrick
  • Jack Fitzhugh
  • Emily Kelly
  • Fran Murphy
  • Ray Baker
Established for over 25 years, Illustration at UCLan in Preston is an applied course for image makers and artists of all kinds. Our aim is to improve both your problem solving skills and to help you hone your traditional and digital practice.

This award winning course has great results in preparing work for a freelance career or for employment in the creative industries. We have great industry links, live project work and many competition successes. This is a small and friendly course with great studio atmosphere and workshop facilities.
Lucy Cullinan - Who Cares?
Emily Kelly - Psyche Festival 2020
Callum Baxter - HSBC Airport
Connor Parker - The National Trust for Students
Lucy Cullinan - Boozehounds in Cans
Jack Fitzhugh - The Alien Who Came To Stay
Xinyou Zhou - Talking to Flowers
Dan Nelson - The Difference is Visible - Audible
Niamh Young - Wicked snakes inside a place you thought was dignified.
Lea Courtney - And the stone walls of Harmony Hall bear witness.
Sally Whitton - Preston Penny Dreadful - The Avenham Avenger
Kieron Fitzpatrick - Pop Sex Toys - Koons Prick
Frances Murphy - Frog Occultist - Rare Games - the world is run by reptiles
Rebekah Reed - Patterns to decorate Skelmersdale
Emily Kelly - F*ck Being Quiet - A sex toy brand project for U-phoria
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