Unleashing retail performance, online

  • Steve Price

From zero to profit in ten months GWR Kia is the largest Kia dealership outside of South Korea. A 41,000sq ft space, split over four floors including a multi-level showroom. The highly visible site takes centre stage on the M4 elevated section, one of Britain’s busiest commuter roads. Including a 17 by 4 metre LED display screen - to help standout. We worked with Norton Way Group on developing a stand-alone website, SEO strategy and implementation, marketing collateral and social media strategy to help launch this new business. At the time of launch Norton Way Group needed a standalone website that performed for their needs and business practises. A website that would allow them greater control, management and flexibility; something there other dealership websites lacked. Our extensive consumer behaviour research in to the retail automotive sector meant we were well-placed to design and develop a website that placed the customer experience (UX) firmly at the centre of development. Starting with a brand new business means starting from zero audience. We brought in our SEO and social media partners to ensure the new dealership, it’s website, PPC, keywords, Adwords and social campaigns were syncronised. Most retail car dealerships look to turn a profit after five years, ten months after opening, GWR Kia was showing a profit.

GWR Kia remains the largest dealership franchise we’ve ever opened. There were many challenges along the way, but the website and working with Plan-B Studio were not one of them. Quite the opposite. It's why we have worked with Plan-B Studio since 2013.
Emma Norfolk, Group Marketing Manager
Norton Way Group