Unorthodox play

  • Ella Evans

My practice is continually defined by the use of found and repurposed materials, re-imagined for unconventional interior applications. Considering the notion and value of play I have produced a series of modular surfaces that repurpose waste materials and put people at the centre of the design process. Customizable and changeable, you are invited to ask yourself, What will I create today? As a designer, I can often be found sourcing materials because they make me curious. This leads to developing work using both domestic and industrial waste materials such as plywood, sheet metal and broken plastics. In this project, I have been informed by the concept of modular design alongside my extensive research into the value of play beyond childhood. My interactive material collection can be pieced together like a jigsaw to create infinite variations of interior surfaces. Customisable and changeable, the final design is open-ended and puts people at the heart of the design process, reconnecting adults with their playful inner child. I hope my collection will also demonstrate the creative potential and commercial value of waste which continue to be an urgent and important message for our throwaway society.