Unplugged Sessions Podcast

  • Christopher Buttigieg

What? And Who? ​ Unplugged Sessions was a temporary platform for producers, programmers, creators and curious minds to connect with industry professionals in the arts, festivals and cultural sector. Why? And When? ​ Though the global pandemic COVID-19 crisis has severely impacted the artistic community, I created US as I felt that the spirit of human connection and uplifment* through arts needed to remain more relevant than ever. It also gave a chance to communities to find alternative ways to communicate with each other by reinventing and regrouping themselves in adapting to the new norm hoping to overcome the emotional and economic impact. Hence Unplugged Sessions, aimed to allow arts and culture individuals to interact with other industry professionals to share experiences and learn from each other. Facebook was the online platform used to engage with the audience, please follow @ArtsandCultureUnpluggedSessions for more info. *P.S Yes we created the word uplifment, but we believe that this is the right word to use during these times.