Vinos. (Volumes I, II & III)

Volume I – Contextualización y viticultura The first volume of Sapiens del Vino is part of Ferran Adrià's gastronomic encyclopedia and contextualizes and deepenes on wine and viticulture. The work, directed by Ferran Adrià and Ferran Centelles, applies the Sapiens method, developed by the elBulli team, to the world of wine. Volume II – Vinos. Vinificación y clasificaciones The second volume of Sapiens del Vino is part of Ferran Adrià's gastronomic encyclopedia and focuses on oenological science and leads the reader through the philosophy and art of winemaking. Comissioned work, in collaboration with the design studio dosgrapas and elBullifoundation. Published and destributed by elBullifoundation and the publishing house RBA. My Role: Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Data visualization