Visionaria (2018)

  • Chiara Formisano

Visionaria (2018) It starts like a blank sheet and more precisely like blank boxes and then builds up in the way I re-imagine the piece of music that plays in the background. Here I set my imagination free and express it with no boundaries , letting the images be carried by the sounds created by the musician Emmanuele Pirozzi (2015). This project, a video installation , intends to expand two themes : the theme of the visual identity as a means of giving diverse perception to the viewer and create an immersive experience. Also “Visionaria” what show what collaboration means and how it can be carried over the years and over others’ point of view. This work, with its interactivity intends to question if wether a work of art can be ever defined as complete or it can always be in evolution through other artists experiences although they might be in different time and space. Through the evolution of the piece of music turning into images and shapes here we witness how the sound can physically construct a space in a sculptural way and how a viewer may chose his own perceptive path through this physical yet virtual environment.