Visions of Man

  • Sam Rawbone

‘Visions of man’ was a personal project developed from the want to highlight what is seen as the ‘Right’ traditional masculine aesthetic. As well as cultural norms in western sociality of how men should act. But also what men and others that a line with the masculine idea are often suppressing to be able to conform to that idea. Whether that be emotional or physical. The main project narrative is told through three photo essays that explore the exterior facade and the internal emotions of what traditional masculinity teaches as the right way to be and the wrong things to show. The book’s design has also been considered to reflect this as a physical metaphor for this internal struggle. It was developed to become more of a sculptural piece not having a beginning or end, being able to be viewed from both sides. With two of the three photo essays playing as comparisons of each other positioned at the front and the back of the book. These parts of the book are referred to as ‘I will be your warrior’ taking reference mainly from Greek sculpture and comparing these with the cold beauty of the landscapes of cliffs. These images are they to be the ‘traditional’ the outer core of the book metaphor of ‘MAN’ the skin that masculinity presents to the world, strong, powerful, objective. These then give way to the central ‘hidden’ colour of the ‘MAN’. Referred to as ‘I will be your lamb’. Repressed and trapped within all of the traditions of taught masculinity. This colourful central, smaller, element is there to show actually there is someone there behind the cold outer shell. Showing that emotion is there and wants to be free and be able to be expressive but it is held within, creating more damage.