Visit Nordlys

How do you position Northern Norway as the ultimate Northern Lights destination while promoting Scandina vian Airlines as the best carrier to take you there? You come up with your very own fairytale, that’s how. Using a highly visual mix of storytelling and mythology, we enlisted the help of some highly creative travel influencers and took to social media, where we created our very own version of Narnia - a place called Nordlys. The campaign ran across the UK, US and Germany.

This campaign relied heavily on getting the visuals just right. Working with a tight budget, the most efficient way to build content was to hand-select a group of content creators who could not only provide stunning photography and video, but also high engagement. To further drive traffic, we utilised sponsored posts across facebook and instagram. The tactic paid off - in the first month of the campaign, we accumulated over 10,000 highly engaged instagram followers.
Results Nordlys was proof that people truly want to believe in fairytales. The hashtag spread rapidly across social platforms. In fact, even BBC Earth bought into the story, and tweeted about this magical place called Nordlys.
As a result of the campaign, Visit Norway enjoyed its highest Google search volume in 5 years. We also posted some fantastic numbers:
+10.4% share-of-voice (Visit Norway) +6.7% share-of-voice (SAS) 36.75% conversion rate
Awards The Drum Marketing Awards 2018 (Shortlist) Travel Marketing Awards 2019 WINNER (Gold Standard)