This is a story about a successful writer who works on a new novel and travels around the country. She is a beautiful incarnation of an angel on earth. Having met her under unexpected circumstances, his life is intertwined with her unearthly image. Who is she? A miracle, or a figment of the imagination of a writer, descended from the pages of a book ... Director: Maria Petukhova Director of photography: Alexander Shevchenko Producer: Vladimir Tkachenko (VLADMIR) Artist: Vladimir Tkachenko Starring: Maria Chikisheva Edit: Maria Petukhova VFX: Ivan Kikiforov Color: Lara Vichuzhanina Backstage: Sergey Goncharov Make up:Salogub Alinas Hair: Armin Sirekanyan Costume Designer: Irma Viner 1 Assistent Azarov Dmitry 2 Assistent Kosorukov Alexander