
  • Amy Vien

Imperfect, impermanent, incomplete

Wabi-sabi is a concept in traditional Japanese aesthetic and worldview based on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. Based on this concept, my project became a wholly collaged magazine, transformed from its previous state, with an experimental use and exploration of textures and compositions. After collaging this magazine, I created a book with a selection of these images.
Thinking about the concept of wabi-sabi, I decided to use materials that had the same aspects of impermanence and restricted myself to only use materials, old work and photographs I had hoarded over the years. I have always been precious with the materials I owned, but this concept and project forced me to let go of my attachment to them and only asked me to work with this in mind. By adopting this mindset, I relaxed and made freely without worries about what was going to be created.
This was very fulfilling to create, and was a constant stream of fun for me. Although I was aware that my work was impermanent, incomplete and imperfect, I can still continue and persevere with my practice to create something intriguing and mesmerising.
(Printed on recycled paper (80 gsm), 36 pages, saddle stitch, hand bound)