Wall and Jones

  • Karolina Kai

Shifting the Paradigm: Age Inclusivity in Fashion �� At the heart of this captivating photoshoot lies the spirit of Wall and Jones, a treasure trove of upcycled and vintage pieces from local designers. As the creative director, organizer, and photographer, I embarked on a journey to bring the brand's core values to life. This project isn't just about style; it's about changing the narrative in the fashion industry. We believe in age inclusivity, and we wanted to show the world why. With a team of diverse models, we explored the importance of using older models in fashion, shedding light on the benefits this brings. We've learned that age inclusivity not only reflects the real diversity of our world but also celebrates the beauty and authenticity that comes with experience. It's about embracing the elegance of maturity and telling a story of grace, style, and confidence. Through these images, we hope to inspire a shift towards a more inclusive, age-aware fashion industry and show that beauty knows no age. Stay tuned for a captivating visual story that transcends stereotypes and redefines the essence of timeless style.