We have big, beautiful brains. We invent things that fly. Fly. We write. We paint. We create.

  • Aida Gh
We have big, beautiful brains. We invent things that fly. Fly. We write. We paint. We create.
I would like to start with the actual definition of art: art /ɑːt/ noun 1.the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

I personally believe that being an artist is much simpler, but requires honesty and focus and a way to express toughts and emotions. I believe that art is a reflection of feelings and emotion. If the artist is happy and excited, he will create something colourful and full of life, but if the artist is sad and lonely, the colours will be darker. I can compare this statement with a walk at an exhibition/museum and those extended minutes that we spend looking at THAT painting because THAT artist is communicating with us and he is sharing his story through his art. However, if we pay close attention to the piece of art, we can always harmonise with the emotions that is expressing.

As we all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder as Margaret Wolfe Hungerford said, I have confidence that art can be found in anything that involves creativity such as writing a book, making a movie, painting, drawing, making music and many others. Everyone has different views for art, but the most important thing is the product or the end piece. I love to watch art. I love to write anything that is on my mind. I love to read books that other people created. I love to go to museums and exhibitions to explore famous or not so famous artists. I love to paint and relax my mind at the end of a rough day.

It is all about the environment around us before we start creating. I have a small ritual before I start to write and I would invite any writer to try my easy steps for relaxation and creativity . Firstly, I like to take a cold shower, so I can refresh myself. Secondly, I will choose some cozy clothes to feel more comfortable. Thirdly, I will light up one of my favourite candles, respectively I will take a glass of fresh water and place it next to me, just in case I will be thirsty and I will not need to leave my place of writing and forget my ideas. The final step is to play meditation music and let my imagination flow.

As a new writer, my most challenging time is starting out, but when my imagination starts flowing, I can sit on my chair for hours and write until my ideas are consumed. I used to write short fictional stories and I never sent them out to be published. In the present, I am writing my own book related to my experience as a flight attendant and the adventures I have faced during my years of working as one. I would like to share them with my readers and especially with people who are interested in the aviation field.

As one of my favourite writers, Nicola Yoon said in her book " We have big, beautiful brains. We invent things that fly. Fly. We write poetry. Thou art more lovely and more temperate’ in terms of sheer beauty. We are capable of big lives. A big history. Why settle? Why choose the practical thing, the mundane thing? We are born to dream and make the things we dream about.” I do believe every single word from this quote and I hope you do too, reader.