Wellness through Design..

  • Nick Leith-Smith

Inspired by Dr Jack at the Adoreum event this morning, we're delving into the theme of wellness through design. While physical activity and healthy eating often come to mind first, architecture also plays a surprising role in our daily well-being. Today, we're exploring three unexpected ways our designs can positively impact your life: • Light & Space: Natural light not only brightens rooms but also boosts mood and productivity. Open floor plans and large windows maximize sunlight, while strategic skylights can bring calming natural light deep into the building. • Connection & Community: Our designs foster connection through shared spaces, people-centric designs, and visual talking points, encouraging interaction and community building. • Biophilia & Nature: Humans crave nature. Integrating elements like greenery, natural materials, and outdoor access can reduce stress and promote relaxation. Which design elements contribute most to your well-being?