When We Thrive Together, Great Things Unfold

  • Sophy Jeremy
  • Charlotte Walker

HSBC and D&AD briefed us to create an illustration led campaign that encouraged their tagline 'Together We Thrive' in an airport setting. The group members were me, Charlotte Walker and Matt Miles. The angle we took was looking at birds and the way they behave and thrive when they fly, focusing on HSBC's pillar of diversity and inclusion. The illustrations were simple vectors and took inspiration origami birds. Our research into 'The Big Garden Birdwatch' helped us realise how birds are good indicators of the environment. This led our call to action of scannable QR codes leading the viewer to join 'The Big Garden Birdwatch'. The touchpoints along the journey we had were the Jetbridge, posters around the airport and a big 3D installation of the origami birds in the departure lounge.