Where to See Art in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico - Here Magazine

  • Tiana Attride

Gone are the days when New York and Paris stood alone as meccas for the creative class. In the valleys of Guadalajara, Mexico, artists from around the world are gathering to celebrate fashion, gastronomy, and culture in San Miguel de Allende.

In this colonial town where the buildings are painted in the shades of the setting sun, surprises lie around every corner. There are no neon signs or elaborate logos announcing exhibitions or markets; instead, visitors will find that by peering into unassuming doorways, they’ll discover ornate courtyards surrounded by shops selling beautiful and unique wares, many of them handcrafted and locally made. Although the simple act of taking a walk may be the best way to experience San Miguel’s artistry to the fullest extent, there are a few concentrated spots in which restaurants, galleries, and boutiques come together to create small oasis for the arts.
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