Who Am I?

  • Jessica Horton

Who am I? is a graduate collection inspired by the resurgence and popularity of Astrology in the modern west and how one might be defined by their given zodiac sign. I discovered that my zodiac sign is Cancer and not Gemini, which lead me to question identity and how we define our personalities and how they are perceived be others. Are performances synchronous or conflicting? In response to this question, The collection explores asymmetry within garments, displaced detailing, knotting and multiwear elements, symbolising the different sides of ourselves and creating new harmonies. The collection has a strong focus on sustainability and ethics which informs fabrication, design longevity and production transparency.

Upcycling plays a part in creating new garments from exisiting damaged materials as can be seen in the jeans and knitted dress. Both involved taking apart pre-loved items and reworking them to create modern silohuettes and new textures.
What to find out more? The collection is completely transparent and open about where materials are sourced from, visit www.jessicalouisehorton.com for a full list of suppliers and further information about how this collection was made more ethically.