Why Fashion Influencers Need to Speak Up About Ethical Fashion

  • Doaa Dashoush

Doaa Dashoush shares thoughts on how influencers should use their platforms to promote ethical fashion

The term influencer is often used to describe people who are influential on social media. They are also ubiquitous, and there are many people out there who could become one. You might like their style, or you might think they’re funny.

The simple answer is that we all do it to grant someone influencer status. We praise and acknowledge them on social media, and their influence can then be used to promote a product or service. According to studies, people are more likely to buy products from companies that have an influencer’s presence.

Success as an Influencer

Influencers typically make a living through brand deals. When a company sees someone with a platform, they approach them with a deal: They can promote their products and bring customers to their site in exchange for something in return.

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