Why I'm Embracing being ‘Cringe’

  • Georgia Smith-Marr

I wrote about the idea of rejecting conformity in favour of being 'cringe'.

Whether I was "too much" or doing things that I should have 'grown out of' - I lost a lot of good years trying to be 'cool'.  Of trying to fit into the box of what an adult woman should be.  Now I'm embracing this idea of being cringe instead of being ‘conventional’ or the ‘cool girl’.
Cringe. For those that aren’t familiar, I'll turn to the trustworthy and 100% legit, Urban Dictionary. It defines cringe as when someone acts/is extremely awkward and/or embarrassing.
But how do we define cringe? Who decides what ‘cringe’ is? Mainstream society? But who is mainstream society? Usually the Neurotypical white supremacist sexist capitalists of the middle and upper classes.
Read the whole thing here.