Women of West Green (Habitat Series)

  • Olu Ada
  • Tom Aston

A proof of concept mini documentary in advance of a longer form documentary that is currently seeking funding (viewing link at the bottom of text). The documentary will be part of a series of documentaries that walks us into the lives of different cultural groups within distinct environments, and their contextual settings or 'Habitats'. SYNOPSIS: We venture into the bustling habitat of West Green Road, Tottenham in North London - where we delve into the extraordinary stories of some of the remarkable and diverse women who fuel its vibrant business community. We explore their beginnings, the winding paths that lead them to this dynamic road, their dreams, challenges and their triumphs. In the spirit of oral tradition, we will uncover the invaluable wisdom gleaned from their experience especially against the backdrop of societal changes. We highlight their contributions to the fabric of local communities and society at large. This is a celebration of it all - a Celebration of the Women of West Green! A FINAL WORD - This Project would NOT have been possible without: DOP: YUSHI LU EDITOR & SOUND DESIGNER: TOM ASTON (who I met via the Dots). There were many obstacles to surmount during pre production and time was tight. I'm incredibly proud of how we were able to collaborate and pull the project together given the circumstances. Their talent is next to none! It made me completely confident and excited about how much more we could do with more time and resource. I hope you enjoy watching the trailer. Feel free to send thoughts / questions / DM's. Longer edit coming soon.