WORKSHOP - Let's Code

  • Anouk C
One of our school projects during our last semester of our first year of Communication and Multi Media design was to introduce children (age 10-12) to coding and processing by giving a workshop at a primary school.
Team Vibe was a team of four enthusiastic students determined to create a fun, coding workshop for 10-12 year olds in primary school. Our team consisted of a visual designer, web designer, audio visual designer and interaction designer.
During the project I was the interaction designer. Some of my tasks included: creating the content for the workshop (What are we going to teach the children?, How will we do this?, What kind of instruments will work and which ones won't), researching our target audience, creating persona's, keeping our coaches up to date on our process by taking and organising notes after we had a meeting and making sure we got a school where we could give our workshop.
We realised a game where the students could get through a maze by using commands such as y(-30), x(+10). Aside from the game we gave a (basic) presentation on what programming and coding exists of and in what way we can use code in daily life.