You still eat meat in this economy?!

  • Anita Amoah
  • Anita Amoah
Hey my loves hope all is well! I know it's been a while but I am back again with another blog post. :)
For the month of February I decided that I would eat no meat. Not because I wanted to "save the animals" or "didn't believe that meat was good for you" I just wanted to see if I could do it and I wanted to watch what I was eating. I do however believe that too much of anything is bad for your health and I was trying to establish some sort of balance.
It was funny that so many questions where asked about this decision lol. It's like people immediately got offended that I was challenging myself in such a way. Although, it is very understandable as most vegans and vegetarians have some sort of superiority complex when it comes to meat eaters.
This challenge showed me how much meat I ate because the struggle was very real, seeing as everything made in my home had meat in it. With that being said it allowed me to think of different food combinations; I did however find myself repeating meals and eating the most random things to compensate for the fact that my meals began to feel incomplete.
I was told that by cutting out meat I would feel so good, be more energetic and less sluggish lol I felt no difference to be honest (but that may be due to my portion size?).  Nevertheless I stuck to my guns watched my mates scoff down their meat filled meals. With all that being said I would do it again but only in way where I didn't feel restricted.
Here are some of my favourite meals I had in this season.


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