Changing the Narrative of Youth In Society. #PositivelyShapingSociety #HillsongYXYA Positively Shaping Society: I walk with giants, I set the trends, I am not afraid to speak out. I will not be discouraged. I live outside the box. I refuse to hide, Because I shape my tribe. I am a role model, A leader of leaders. The future is in my hands, it is mine to grasp. I march forward because I am powerful. I am powerful because I am patient, I shape my generation. I am not afraid of “no”. I create and re-create I alter, I mould and I grow. I am a masterpiece And a portrait is not created to hide. I shape my life. I am unique and weird and talented, I refuse to be like everyone else. I am the variety, That is why I positively shape society. I positively shape society.