Zeidler Swift – Making investment law accessible

  • James Keal
  • Joe Thom
  • Sam Lester

Creating a scalable design system for a growing suite of digital, legal tools and resources.

An integrated approach

The Zeidler Swift platform is a new way to deliver financial legal services to clients. We’ve been working closely with the Zeidler acting as their product team, designing tools that automate previously manual processes and provide self-serve tools to their clients.

Atomic design

We knew from the outset the Swift platform would be composed of multiple tools. This meant from the outset we designed the system with modularity in mind and built each screen as series of standardised components across the system. This creates a uniform user experience and design language that scales as the suite of tools expands.

Designed to be built

As well as designing the tools we’re developing the front end. This speeds up the process and allows us to ensure that the screen layout are exactly as they were designed, working well at every screen size, from phones all the way up to large screens. Having a combined design and development team also allows us to iterate on the build quickly and add additional features to enhance the user’s experience, such as animation flourishes.