5 Tips for Better Creative Collaboration

5 Tips For Better Creative Collaboration
One of the first things we say to any potential client is ‘We co-create the brand you want to own. After all, it’s your brand, not ours.’ But as most of you will realise that’s a lot easier said than done. And if you haven’t worked this way before co-creation can sound very confusing, leaving you with questions like ‘how do co-creations really work?’ Or ‘what are the best ways to work together to get the most creative results?’ So we’ve tried to take the mystery out of it. We’ve put together our list of the top 5 tips for creative collaboration which when implemented together can take any project to the next level. 1. Give yourself permission to explore A key moment in our strategic brand review process comes at the intersection between the strategy stage ‘define’ and the creative stage ‘design’. To help us bridge the gap between these two disciplines we’ve created a co-creation workshop. 15 years in the making this creative session uses multiple tools and exercises to draw out the creativity in any client from architects to eight-year-olds. But the key to making these sessions work is that we never try to find a solution – the destination is not the aim of the collaboration, instead we are just enjoying being on a journey together, exploring the ideas at the heart of their brand and recording what we find. To learn the other 4 tips for better creative collaboration, click the link.



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