Lily Lambert

Lily Lambert

Account ExecutiveRoyal Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Brendan McKnight
Gabriella Mussurakis
Lily Lambert

Lily Lambert

Account ExecutiveRoyal Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
About me
Lily draws on her understanding of social media and integrates this with RBL’s core values as a brand strategy agency to produce engaging content and increase business visibility and brand awareness.
  • Historic Building & Places: A new name and brand to empower the present and sustain our future
    Historic Building & Places: A new name and brand to empower the present and sustain our futureA new name and brand to empower the present and sustain our future For nearly 100 years the Ancient Monuments Society has played an important part in shaping our built environment, promoting the study and conservation of historic buildings while influencing the planning process. After their 60-year partnership with Friends of Friendless Churches came to end the organisation looked to reshape its future by rebuilding the brand from the ground up, better reflecting their purpose and reaching out
  • Social Media
    Bachelor of ScienceCoventry University
     - United Kingdom