Any advice for starting out as a freelance videographer/editor? I have just purchased a Song A7iv


  • Starting out as a freelance videographer/editor can be an exciting and rewarding career choice. Here are some essential tips to help you get started and build a successful freelance videography and editing business:
    1. Develop Your Skills:Hone your videography and video editing skills through practice and continuous learning. Experiment with different styles and techniques to find your unique voice. Stay updated with the latest video trends, software, and equipment to remain competitive in the industry.
    2. Invest in Quality Equipment:Invest in a good-quality camera, lenses, tripod, stabilizers, and other necessary equipment for professional video production. Don't forget about audio equipment, as sound quality is crucial in video production. Invest in microphones and audio recording tools.
    3. Build a Portfolio:Create a portfolio showcasing your best work. Include a variety of projects to demonstrate your versatility. Consider offering your services at a discounted rate or even for free initially to build up your portfolio.
    4. Set Clear Goals and Define Your Niche:Determine what type of videos you want to specialize in (e.g., weddings, corporate, documentaries, music videos) and target a specific niche. Set clear goals for your freelance business, including financial targets and the type of clients you want to work with.
    5. Create a Professional Brand:Develop a professional brand identity, including a logo, business cards, and a website or portfolio website to showcase your work. Your brand should reflect your style and the type of clients you want to attract.
    6. Network and Market Yourself:Attend industry events, workshops, and seminars to network with potential clients and other professionals in the field. Use social media platforms, online portfolios, and freelancing websites to market your services and connect with potential clients.
    7. Pricing and Contracts:Determine your pricing structure based on factors such as your experience, the complexity of the project, and your location. Be competitive but ensure you're adequately compensated for your skills. Always use written contracts that clearly outline project details, payment terms, deadlines, and deliverables to protect both you and your clients.
    8. Provide Exceptional Customer Service:Communicate effectively with clients to understand their needs and expectations. Deliver projects on time and maintain a professional and courteous demeanor throughout your interactions.
    9. Continuous Learning and Improvement:Stay updated with the latest video editing software and techniques. Seek feedback from clients and peers to improve your skills and services continually.
    10. Financial Management:Keep track of your income and expenses for tax purposes. Consider working with an accountant or using accounting software. Save a portion of your earnings for business expenses, taxes, and future investments.
    Remember that building a freelance videography and editing business takes time and dedication. Be patient, persistent, and open to learning from your experiences. Over time, your reputation and client base will grow as you consistently deliver high-quality work.
  • Get your first 10,000 hours in - I don't know how long you've been shooting for, but you've got to 'live it to learn it' when it comes to functioning as a visual story-teller who wants to make a living out of creating videos.

    I've been filming things since I was 7 but it wasn't until I left uni in 2010 that I had to really focus how I was going to go about growing my career.

    So I offered to film gigs, weddings and anything else for next to no rate in between bartending and waitering shifts - I wrote, produced and directed my own short films.

    Eventually, in 2012 I got a job as a creative producer - for six years, I had to make two campaign films a month whilst navigating the 'internal politics' of my workplace and the company's ever-changing trajectory.

    This is a long way of saying, that you'll figure it out as you go but for now, just 'speculate to accumulate;' make your own opportunities, go out and film whatever you can to build a portfolio and assess everything you make so you can challenge yourself to do better each time you go out with the camera

    Enjoy it! It's stressful but it also gives you the best days of your life when things go well.

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