Any tips on starting uni in a photography course? I also want to get some work in social media or photography too :)


  • @Sophie Debenham ah awesome, wish you all the best with your course!

    I guess you were looking for advice on the latter of my opening line, then?!

    The one thing I'd suggest, is to be open minded.

    You're going to experience a lot of new things, meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures and beliefs and... it's a whole new world.

    - Make sure you go to Freshers Fairs. Sign up to a club or two... go for something you already know you'll enjoy, choose another that is likely to push your boundaries a little, and choose a third that is something you've *always* wanted to try.

    - Speak to people outside of your course. Make friends with those who are *not* doing your course... It's more difficult, because you'll be getting introduced to people ON your course. But making friends outside of your course will open up new opportunities, experiences and friendship circles.

    - Look out for ways to save money. Merch/cash for signing up to a new bank or mobile phone company etc etc... There are usually second-hand book fairs that tour after the first couple of weeks too, so use the library until they do (or check eBay etc for the books you're likely to be using for the whole of your course - and beyond).

    - Living away from home? You don't need a tonne of stuff for your room... The basics a spoon, fork, knife, plate, cup/tumbler and a couple of saucepans is usually enough. Also, make sure you spend time in the social areas of halls/houseshares. Get to know who you're sharing with - might even be worth setting up a rota of taking it in turns to cook a meal one night a week. These people will be your family for the next 9-months. Learn how they like their coffee/tea; find out what their hobbies/interests are; get to know them; keep a *look* out on them.

    - Finally, know your limits and boundaries. Know where you can get help/support if you need it - whether it's on-site security or mental health support. You might not need it, but you may encounter someone who does.
  • @Caleb Hernandez i start uni next week! Im not based in london. But i am studying in suffolk! I already do have previous social media knowledge too! And thank you for your advice;)
  • I've been looking at photography courses also, unsure where you're based but most of the London ones actually tell you what they want in the portfolio you make so it might be the same if you aren't in London!

    Regarding social media, work experience is a must! Volunteering, work placement, if you can, if you can't you should try to get a paid intern or apprenticeship. Knowledge using social media is an obvious must, some want you to have content creation experience also (i.e TikToks, graphics for Instagram posts, etc.)

    Hope this helps slightly!! :D
  • Are you looking for how to get enrolled on a course, or "starting" at University?

    If the former - 100% take photos, and lots of them. Experiment. Document everything. Don't dispose of any photos, even the ones you think don't look great - they document your progress, and give you talking points for your portfolio.

    Get a website together - something simple, but self-hosted (don't go the route of Flickr, or someone similar). Organise your photos into collections, talk and blog about how you got compositions together, the successes and the failures.

    Learn. Read. Research.

    Then write about it. If you can explain a term or a technique in a blog post (to a "lay person"), then you know it in-depth sufficiently to move onto the next technique.

    Build your knowledge and understanding. It'll make your Uni experience more fun and - if you decide Uni isn't for you, you've still got the knowledge and basics to build from.

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