Anyone familiar with the works of Abram Games and willing to discuss?(Dissertation)

I am a final year visual communications student at London Metropolitan University, School of Art, Architecture and Design.

I am currently in the process of writing my dissertation, which sets out to explore 'the contemporary impact of propaganda and visual communication through the works of Abram Games.'

As part of my dissertation, it is my aim to have an open and informal dialogue with esteemed design professionals, in order to best understand the impact of Game's work, not only within the world of design but also on you as a practitioner.

As well as seeking to explore any parallels in Games' work to the situation we find ourselves into today and the current campaigns from the British Government - (From ‘Brexit’ to the COVID-19 pandemic and public information around the wearing of face masks, social distancing and washing hands.)


  • @Benjamin Strachan Hi Ben, hope you are keeping well in these strange times? Thanks for reaching out and replying, it really is appreciated! Would you be up for sharing your story on how Games' work has influenced your own as well as the wider design world? And any thoughts or commentary on any parallels in Games' work to the situation we find ourselves into today and the current campaigns from the Gov? Either by video call or in the form of short paragraphs by email? Whichever is most convenient for you?

  • Hi Laurie, I might be able to help. I first came across his work in 2005 in an exhibition held at my Foundation course institute and then again at University when his daughter gave a lecture. His work has definitely had an influence on me.

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